Dissipative Weakly Almost Periodic Functions
The Harald Bohr Centenary. Proceedings of a Symposium held in Copenhagen April 24-25, 1987
Forfatter: John F. Berglund
Serier: Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser
Undertitel: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Copenhagen April 24-25, 1987
Udgivelsesår: 1989 - 1989
Antal hæfter: 12
- + Hans Tornehave
- + Christian Berg
- + Luigi Amerio
- + Jean Bellissard
- + John F. Berglund
- + Pierre Eymard
- + A. M. Fink
- + Sigurdur Helgason
- + Jean-Pierre Kahane
- + Paul Milnes
- + Giovanni Prouse