The Marine Algæ of Denmark. Contributions to their Natural History. Vol. II. Phæopphyceæ.
II. Corynophlaeaceæ, Chordariaceæ, Acrothrichaceæ, Spermatochnaceæ, Sporochnaceæ, Desmarestiaceæ, Arthrocladiaceæ. With supplementary Comments on Elachistaceæ
Forfatter: L. Kolderup Rosenvinge & Søren Lund
Serier: Biologiske Skrifter
Udgivelsesår: 1941 - 1943
Antal hæfter: 7
- + Tyge W. Böcher
- + Thorvald Sørensen
- + L. Kolderup Rosenvinge
- + Søren Lund
- + S. Orla-Jensen
- + M. Westergaard
- + K. Brünnich Nielsen
- + Th. Mortensen
- + Alfred Rosenkrantz