Enzymic Hydrolysis of Glucosides. II. Hydrolysis of Propyl- and Isopropyl-B-d-Glucosides and some Considerations on the Mechanism of the Enzymic Hydrolysis of B-Glucosides.
Forfatter: Stig Veibel & Franciska Eriksen
Serier: Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser
Udgivelsesår: 1936 - 1937
Antal hæfter: 15
- + Harald Bohr
- + N. Bohr
- + G. Hevesy
- + Hans Q. Rasmusen
- + Hilde. Levi
- + Stig Veibel
- + Kai Julius Pedersen
- + Sophus Weber
- + W. H. und Fenchel Bohr
- + Max Møller
- + Svend B.E. Bundgaard
- + V. Weisskopf
- + A. S. Bang
- + F. Kalckar
- + Jacinto Steinhardt
- + O.R. Frisch
- + Franciska Eriksen