Fourteenth-Century Debates about the Nature of the Categories
Forfatter: Fabrizio Amerini & Sten Ebbesen & John Marenbon & Paul Thom
Serier: Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica, 8
Udgivelsesår: 2013 - 2013
Antal hæfter: 13
- + Sten Ebbesen
- + E.J. Ashworth
- + John Marenbon
- + Paul Thom
- + Börje Bydén
- + Ken Parry
- + Heidrun Eichner
- + Cristina Cerami
- + Costantino Marmo
- + Fabrizio Amerini
- + Joël Biard
- + Sven K. Knebel