The Aspects of Polyploidy in the Genus Solanum.
II. Production of dry Matter, Rate of Photosynthesis and Respiration, and Development of Leaf Area in some Diploid, Autotetraploid and Amphidiploid Solanums.
Forfatter: Poul Larsen
Serier: Biologiske Meddelelser
Udgivelsesår: 1943 - 1952
Antal hæfter: 19
- + Tyge W. Böcher
- + M. Westergaard
- + F. Børgesen
- + P. Boysen Jensen
- + Jul. Grøntved
- + O. Hagerup
- + Hans H. Bohr
- + Poul Larsen
- + H. Christiansen
- + Hans Klenow